
A Technology Training & Consulting Company

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Software Development

Transforming students into well-rounded software or IT professionals

Within the academy, there are various programs that we offer. These programs are targeted towards creating the best Software and IT Professionals. The program begins with the remediation to the Bootcamp level in which the candidates will be developing skills and demonstrating their proficiency level for getting hired by an employer. For developing a proficiency profile, the candidates will have to go through an entrance test upon entry into the programs.

To help each candidate to reach the required level, an individualized curriculum will be designed based on the required skills for a particular job or the job category. The program is structured to be skill-based and hands-on as per the requirements of the employer, so the candidates will be expected to meet proficiency with the support of our professional staff.

Goals of the program

Develop with us and to become Certified

It is mandatory for a candidate to achieve a professional level of proficiency in order to develop with us, become certified, or to be considered for job placement.

Ameltek offers JavaScript, Python, Java, and C++ training courses for developing professional software coders from students having no prior experience in professional proficiency within a relatively short period of time. Our course is designed according to the academic history of each student. Some students may take a longer time to reach a professional proficiency level than others.